How do I find out what fun events are happening at my child’s school?

Sign up at Fresh Schools to get: email notifications about all the cool stuff the PTO is doing, connect with others in your child’s class through the directory, find out how you can volunteer for events, and see when the class parties are and who you need to give money to for the teacher gifts…it’s all here.

I want to get in the spirit - where can I get some gear?

Spirit Wear is available quarterly throughout the school year. Come to one of our fun events and get your gear on!

Heck yeah I want to volunteer; what do I need, and where do I sign up?

Check out our Volunteer Information page to learn about clearances, the volunteer process, and to send in your interest. *Or, cut to the chase, and click the button below to sign up now!

Wait, what date am I supposed to do that???

Check the calendar for all our events here.

Are there any shopping rewards programs that would help contribute funds to my child’s school?

Yes! Check out our Easy Money links to get info on how to update your shopping accounts to contribute to the Chestnutwold PTO! It’s easy!

Can’t I just donate some money and call it a day?

Well, if you’d rather, sure! By the way, did we mention that we’re a non-profit organization?!?! Donate by VENMO here. (*please specify “DONATION”)